In a distributed system, it is a non-trivial problem to be able to order the events occurring at various points in the system ie. it is hard to establish a "happened before" relationship among events. One might say, why not just use physical clocks and order events according to the physical clock reading. But then the question arises, how to keep those physical clocks in sync? Independent physical clocks may not show the same reading and may drift apart with time.This paper first introduces a way to order only a subset of events in a distributed system. This method is then extended to impose an order upon all the events in the system. Further, we see that how this total order may be in conflict with the order of events in the real world - a method using physical clocks is proposed to counter such anomalous behavior. The paper signs off with a method to keep the physical clocks in sync (within certain limits) - required to avoid any anomalous behavior.
A simple happened-before relationship ( --> ) between a pair of events in the system can be established as follows:
- If the two events occur at the same process P, then the events can be ordered according to their order on the process P.
- Let A be the event of sending message M from process P1 to process P2. Let B be the event of receiving message M on P2. Then, A --> B.
- If A --> B, B --> C ==> A --> C
Note that these 3 rules may not be able to establish a happened-before relation on just any pair of events in the system. That's why, the happened-before relationship ( --> ) is said to impose only a partial order on the events in the system. If !(A --> B) && !(B --> A), then events A, B are said to be concurrent.
In this diagram, p3 and q4 are concurrent. But, q1 --> p3.
In above, we established a theoretical underpinning of the happened-before relationship. To move towards a more real-world system, we introduce Logical clocks (unrelated to physical time). In absence of relation to physical time, the logical clocks are deemed correct if
a --> b ==> C(a) < C(b)
where, C(a) and C(b) are the logical clock readings of events a & b.
Note that, C(a) < C(b) does not imply a --> b. Because, if it did, then any concurrent events would need to have C(a) == C(b) - a condition which does not apply to p3 and q4 in the above diagram, for example.
To ensure that logical clocks are correct as defined above, the clocks need to follow just 2 rules:
- Between any 2 events on a process P, the logical clock ticks.
- When a process P sends a message M to process Q, it stamps it with the local clock reading Tm. When Q receives M, it sets the local logical clock to max(Tm + 1, Local Clock Reading Cq).
The above 2 conditions make sure that if a --> b, then C(a) < C(b).
With our logical clocks in place, we can now go from Partial order ( --> ) to Total order ( ==> ). We simply order the events by the logical clock reading. If C(a) == C(b), then we use an arbitrary ordering O of the processes to order the corresponding events. The total ordering thus arrived at, is not unique however. It depends upon the logical clocks as well as the the ordering O.
Note that since our logical clocks are correct, for any two events that have a causal relationship or a happened-before relationship, ie. a --> b, C(a) < C(b). For otherwise concurrent events in our previous model, we impose an arbitrary order based on logical clock readings and O.
Being able to have a total order in a distributed system is a very useful capability. Total ordering of requests for a lock, can be, for example, be used to grant those requests in order. Total order in the system is the end, to which, the logical clocks are the means.
Note that our total order in the previous section is a bit arbitrary. In fact, so arbitrary, that it may well conflict with the order of events observed in the real world. For example, event A may occur at process P at logical time C(a), and the observer may then initiate an event B on process Q at time C(b). Although, the observer initiated event B after A, the system (and the associated logical clocks) knows nothing about it, and may very well have C(a) > C(b), thus putting them in the exact opposite order of what was observed in the real (Newtonian) world.
This is Chaos! And probably acceptable to observers in the Newtonian world!
One of the very interesting things in this paper is that the total order of events in a system can be made consistent with the order of things in the real world by constructing our system with physical clocks. Provided that each individual clock works correctly (dC/dt ~ 1), and the distinct clocks are synced within boundaries (Ci - Cj < E), it can be made sure that for any a ==> b (total order), b occurs after a in real world as well.
Note that for a ==> b to be consistent with real world observations, individual physical clocks should be in sync within limits. Real physical clocks would drift apart in general and become out of sync. The paper outlines a simple algorithm to sync physical clocks within an error bound.
This is an incredibly useful result as this means that we now have a total order that is also consistent with real world observations. This is what we set out to achieve in the first place: To be able to order events (possibly using physical clocks that are not synced). This paper not only provides a method to sync physical clocks within a bound, but also a method to use it to arrive at a total order of events that is consistent with real world observations as well.
- Total order of events in a distributed system, though a great enabler, is a non-trivial problem to solve.
- A system of synced physical clocks (within a bound) can be used to arrive at a total order of events in the distributed system that is consistent with order observed in the real world.
- If real world order of events is unimportant, we can very well make do with a system of logical clocks that provides total ordering of events in the system.
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